December 9

You Do Not Fail

First time I heard the phrase you do not fail I Laughed. Confidently I responded, “Everybody fails sometime.”

Then my coach looked at me and said. “You do not fail you give up trying.” It was the uppercut for the knockout I wasn’t expecting. I think I sat there for a couple of minutes before responding. I realized he had described different parts of my life with one sentence.

That conversation changed my life. If you never stop going for it then do you indeed fail? Sure you learn some good stuff along the way. You learn how not to do something and learn how to do something better. That’s called life not failure.

For me, it wasn’t until later in life that I learned this lesson. My lifestyle was if life wasn’t going right then get out.

– At 18 not knowing what to do with my life I ran to the Marine Corps. 
– At 22 with no direction, I ran to Saint Louis, Mo. 
– At 25 with no path and my tail between my legs, I ran back to Texas. 
– At 28 I started a website company within the online agencies growing, one client complained, and I shut down the company. (We took a job we shouldn’t have in the first place)

Every time life got tough I removed myself from the situation. I thought that if I got out of there, then I would get passed whatever was uncomfortable or at least get away from it.

Now I realize most of those times I was giving up. I gave up on learning experiences I would have to learn later. When life gets difficult, it means you leveled up. It means you now have to learn a new level of badassery. You have to learn new skills and talents. You have to get after it.

The universe will throw things your way to teach you life lessons. It will never throw you more than you can handle so be strong and persevere. When you come out on the other side I promise you will look back and go wow that wasn’t so bad.

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Fail, Feed Your Mind, Inspiration, Life, Offense, Self, Self Development

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