December 3

Be The Fountain. Not The Drain

 Explode With Compassion Explode With Compassion

I have an acquaintance we call Eeyore. He walks through life as if everything is doom and gloom. It’s Chicken little the sky is falling and that makes it hard to be around him. He is a good guy just a real Debbie Downer.

As we move through life our actions and words tell a story to all the people around us. Do you inspire others or do you bring others down? Do you beat people up verbally or build them up with encouragement.

We are a flame like a torch in a dark cavern. Part of our job in life is to be the point man and light the way for others. We must keep our flame lit and feed it so it grows and explodes with badassery.

Fill your mug with knowledge, spirit, and strength and rise up. Toast to the world and conquer it this is your destiny.

Be The Fountain. Not The Drain

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Awesome, Destiny, Explode, Self, Self Development

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