November 29

What I Learned From Journaling

 Journal Learning Journal Learning

What I Learned From Journaling

For years and years, I fought against journaling. Gurus, coaches, and mentors told me I need to journal. However, no matter what I tried I just couldn’t make it work. Not Journaling continued to frustrate me, so I gave up.

However, we know life happens. At one point when my career had hit a low on guidance from my coach, I decided to change my mindset and figure out journaling. I realized I was journaling to prove it didn’t work. I was trying to write from the mentality of limitations vs. a mindset of self-development.

This slight change of journaling to prove it would work helped tremendously. As I began to journal I found that I had too much crap rolling around in my head. I was bitching and moaning more about life than I thought I was, and I was more frustrated that I realized.

As I began to write, I was able to put a perspective on my gremlins and find unique ways to beat them back. My head trash became less of a thing to slow me down and more of a challenge to conquer.

As I continued to change my mindset, everything began to change as well. My perspective on life got more positive and real, and I became a less negative person. I grew more intuned with myself than I had in years past and ultimately I began to like myself. It was a fresh experience, and I started to explode in my career.

Every day I was journaling I was learning new insights and becoming more genuine and real. Life became fun, and everyone around me saw a vast difference.

What I learned from journaling was life is good. Life is great and every day is a good day. My personal demons are not that scary and I am who I want to be. I challenge you to start journaling, and maybe you can have this breakthrough discovery too.

If you want help getting started in journaling check out my free Ebook. That’s Not How You Journal, Jackass it walks you through my process of journaling.

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Head Trash, Journal, Self, Self Development, Today

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